My Mom's Chili Recipe

Research Evaluation Doc

Recipe Content


This is my mom's chilli recipe that she makes and it serves as a comfort food for me. I usually meal prep it for the week and eat it for most dinners with a side of salad. I really like it but it isn't anything that special. Additionally, I will take more photos of the process when I make it next for this project. It is solely a basic chilli recipe surrounding Kroger's Original Chilli spices mix.

Serving Size: 4-6


Necessary Tools:


  1. Defrost your ground beef before cooking or put under warm water until defrosted ~10min before in case of emergency.


Time Cost: ~40 min

  1. Cut onion into cubes and fry in oil until translucent.
  2. Add beef and spices. Fry for 10 minutes until cooked.
  3. Add beans (washed and strained) and crushed tomatoes.
  4. Let simmer (lower heat) for 10-15 minutes.
  5. While simmering boil noodles or cook rice on the side.
  6. Serve chili with noodles/rice and add cheese on top.

Sample Imagery

Recipe Website Inspiration

  1. Blue Apron: The imagery is great: it shows all the ingredients listed with roughly the right amounts. I think the font could be bigger in some places with better spacing between images and text. Color scheme appears clean which is appealing for food.
  2. Hello Fresh: Interface is a little overcrowded as there are a lot of things going on with a somewhat strange grid with strange spacing. I like the color scheme and font which makes it very readible.
  3. Budget Byte$: I like the boxy kind of cartoony buttons and highlights I think it makes it more beginner friendly feeling and less professional which is what I am going for on my site. The white space on the right side provided by the aside window not scrolling with the window is a little strange and a waste of a lot of screen realestate.

Non-Recipe Website Inspiration

  1. Design Systems Repo: The design of this sight is vey clean and the colors are pretty un-aggresive, but still bright which I like. It is kind of the epitome of minimalism when it comes to design.
  2. Bryant Personal Portfolio: I know we aren't using interactive elements for this project, but I really enjoyed the child-like feel of this site. I want my recipes and recipe site to be very friendly and approachable so I like a lot of the cartoony elements of this site.
  3. Ling's Cars: I like the colorful out there feel of this website. I think there is too much going on so if I take from this I will get a bad grade in this class, but maybe there are bits and pieces I can get inspired by without all the clutter.