There are a number of ways to build grids with HTML and css. Let's look at a few of the most common.
We're going to build three grids, each very visually similar, but using different techniques. However, many of
the styles will be shared across all three grids, and therefore each grid will have
two classes: one that they all share (grid
) and one that is specific to the
technique (using-inline-block
, using-flex
, or using-grid
). Pay attention
to the instructions, because some rules will be applied using the shared class, and some with the specific
elementDo not use tables to create layout grids. While the table
element does indeed
produce a grid of cells, its semantic purpose is actually to present data that is tabular, like a
spreadsheet of numbers. It is not intended to be used as a layout tool for page content. It
also handles responsiveness (the ability of the page to adjust to the width of the window on any
device) poorly.
It is possible to use the float property to create grids, and you may see some suggestions online
for doing so. Don't. As a general rule, you should only use float
when you actually need to
wrap text or other inline elements around another element.
We've discussed how some elements are inline elements and some are block elements.You may
have figured out by now that we can control this behavior with the display
css property. Even
though a code
element (for instance) is normally inline, we can force it
to be a block element with css like this: code { display: block; }
There exists a 'hybrid' of these two behaviors: display: inline-block;
. Elements with this rule
applied will be styleable like blocks (all of the padding, margin, etc), but will not
expand automatically to fill the width of their parent. Instead, they will only be wide enough to hold their
content, and more importantly, they will align themselves horizontally like words, fitting themselves
left-to-right until wrapping to a new line. We can use this behavior to make a grid!
Note that in this example and with others following, we'll use a ul
element to
represent the grid, and li
elements for each cell in the grid. This is because in
most cases, a grid is conceptually a list that we're just 'presenting' in rows/columns because it's an
effective way to communicate small multiples of a thing — like portraits in a yearbook. Semantically,
those portraits are just an alphabetical list.
I've started a list below, with a single item. Let's begin by populating the HTML of our list. Don't be alarmed: The pictures are going to be huge. We'll take care of that in a minute when we add css.
element below to make a new li
eight people. You should end up with a single ul
containing eight list items,
each item with a photo and name.Okay, let's get these images under control so we can see what we're doing.
elements inside .grid
. This is
the shared class, so this rule will apply to all of the grids we build.width: 150px;
The images are now small, but the list-items are still displaying as a bulleted list. Let's override the default list styles.
class, and add the rule padding: 0;
. This
should remove default padding on the ul
that wraps our
elements within .grid
. Add
the rule display: block;
.Add a new selector for this specific grid's li. Use .using-inline-block li
elements, set display: inline-block;
. Be sure
you aren't styling using the shared .grid li
selector!At this point, our grid starts to look like it makes sense. But lets take a few more steps to tidy things up.
We'll apply these rules using the shared grid
class, so we don't have to do them again for the
next grid.
.grid li
, now add the following rules:width: 25%;
Should ensures our grid is "4-up" (25% * 4 = 100% of the available width).text-align: center;
Centers the image and name within each box.font-size: 0.8rem;
Makes the text a bit smaller.margin-bottom: 1rem;
Adds some space below each item.img
, change the width to
width: 90%;
. This means "be 90% the width of your parent." The parent li
25% of the total page width. This ensures the image has a bit of space on either side within its parent
item, even on small devices.
This grid is shaping up fairly quickly, but there's one quirk. Our shared styles say the li
elements should be width: 25%;
... so why aren't they 4-up? The answer
lies with a rendering detail of inline-block
elements. Because inline-block elements
wrap like words, it turns out the browser pays attention to the space character between these
elements in the HTML code — just like it pays attention to a
The solution is some creative css!
, and set font-size: 0;
.We've shrunk the space between the li
elements to nothing, so we're back to
a perfect 25% × 4. However: if we hadn't explicitly set a font-size for the li
elements earlier (remember font-size: 0.8rem;
?), our names would
have disappeared too, because they'd have inherited font-size: 0;
from the surrounding
. Try using the inspector to 'un-check' the font-size
style rule for .grid li
and see for yourself.
Flex Layout, or flexbox, is a very powerful collection of layout tools in css.This lesson will not even attempt to get into all the intricacies of flex layout, but we can at least scratch the surface by seeing how it can be used for simple grids like ours. If you want to dig deeper, the Complete Guide to Flexbox is a fantastic resource.
To demonstrate, let's copy our grid ul
once again.
grid from the previous section, and paste it here, then
change its class list to be class="grid using-flex"
.Look, we picked up a bunch of existing styles from the shared grid
class, so our images are
already sized, the text is centered, etc. Hurray for shared classes to avoid repetition!
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
A nice tidy grid once again! In previous methods, the critical rules for making the grid were appled to the
child elements, the li
s. This time, we're applying a rule to the parent element,
the ul
. Flex layout can feel a little strange at first because we control children
indirectly through rules applied to the parent container, but when you're used to it, it's a very convenient
and, uh, flexible (sorry) system. (It's also the approach I normally use for grids myself.)
As with Flex layout, Grid layout is a very involved suite of tools, and we'll just use the most basic example here. For a complete reference, use the Complete Guide to Grid.
Let's copy our grid ul
a final time.
grid from the previous section, and paste it here, then
change its class list to be class="grid using-grid"
using it's specific class, and add the
following rules:display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
The fr unit stands for fraction, so the above rule is instructing our grid to have four columns, each with an equal fraction of the available space.
You'll see that our images got tiny. Oops! In this case, our shared rule setting the li
elements to be width: 25%;
is working against us. Since the grid
column rule defines a conceptual parent 'column' in which each li
resides, we can
tell each li
to be 100% of it's parent. We only want to do this for this
grid, so we will not modify the shared rule. Instead, we will override it.
.using-grid li
, and set width: 100%;
.We are now back to having the images fill their column correctly, and our grid is complete!
That's the end of our grid examples (finally!), but it's worth noting that an extremely important part
of this whole lesson has been the application of a shared class, in the grid
class. Doing so helped
avoid repititious work, it also helped avoid repetitous stylesheet code. If you find yourself copying entire
blocks of css code then only changing the selector and one tiny detail in the ruleset, you're doing it
wrong. This is a prime use-case for a shared class!